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I want a Japanese name. But how? 2008/12/21 17:12
I want a Japanese name, like i mentioned. I want it to be something that is closely related to my english name, Vivian,Ichi,sunset or rain. I don't have th faintest ideas on Japanese names and suffixes. Soo, i'm hoping you would help me out in finding me a japanese name :D

hmm 2008/12/22 12:59
I don't get your request fully.
I suppose your English name is Vivian, but what is the other three you listed?
Do you want a Japanese name related to any one word out of four words you listed,
or related to some words together you listed?
I think "sunset" and "rain" is a contrary notion and difficult to use together.
And is "Ichi" you listed there is the Japanese number noun for "one"?

There are some ways you can make up your Japanese name.
One way is to keep the sound "Vivian" and determine some Kanji which can be read in that sound for it.
Another way is to choose a existing Japanese word which you like.
Which way is to your liking?
by dice-geist rate this post as useful

just to add... 2008/12/22 16:13
As someone with a non-Japanese name, if you want something related to the name "Vivian," you can:

(1) Just keep the name as it is, but you can just write "Vivian" in katakana (the phonetic writing system that is used for writing imported words, non-Japanese names, etc.),
(2) keep the name as it is, but select (or ask someone for help in selecting) a string of kanji that have *similar* sounds to the name and have pleasant meanings, or meanings you like,
(3) search into the meaning/background of your name in your OWN language, then try to find a Japanese word/kanji with equivalent meaning - note that this will result in completely different sounds.

And as the previous poster said, it would be extremely difficult to combine "sunset," "rain," "ichi," and Vivian into a name :) I'm not too sure what you want to do either, though.

ANd no suffix is used when we refer to ourselves.
by AK rate this post as useful

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