
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Shopping street in Tokyo 2008/12/26 17:17
Is there any shopping street/area just like Shinshabashi Osaka in Tokyo ?
Thanks in advance for your your advice :) Merry Xmas !
by Peggy  

shotengai 2008/12/27 05:08
I don't think that there are covered pedestrian streets in downtown Tokyo comparable to those in Osaka, Kyoto, Kobe and so many other towns. There are underground streets in Shinjuku, and also open air pedestrian streets, like Ameyokocho in Ueno, under the JR rail tracks, and Takeshita dori in Harajuku. You can google them to get info.
by Monkey see rate this post as useful

. 2008/12/27 14:17
Nakano, Kichijoji etc.
by John rate this post as useful

shopping 2008/12/27 16:58
thanks John! your info is valuable as I am crazy about shotengais!
by Monkey see rate this post as useful

Musashikoyama 2008/12/28 14:02
If you are looking for those along the lines of Nakano and Kichijoji, Musashikoyama is supposed to be the biggest in the Orient :)

Where people live, there are stores. Where people don't live but just work, there are fewer stores.
by Uco rate this post as useful

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