
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Question about a museum of Edo-time 2009/1/8 03:25
I found a museum or better: a theme park dealing with the Edo-time. Its close to Tokyo, but not directly inside. It's built like a town and you can participate there. You can also lend Edo-time-closes, so you look like a Samurai or something like this from that time.
I forgot the name, I lost the link, so I really REALLY need help to find it out, because I soon travel again to Tokyo and want to visit it.

by shunima  

... 2009/1/8 10:20
by Uji rate this post as useful

yeah! 2009/1/8 10:48
Yes! Its this!!
Thank you very much! :))
by shunima rate this post as useful

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