
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Nagoya to Tokyo/Osaka 2009/1/12 19:36
I'll be traveling to Japan for the first time in July. I'll be staying for free at my friends dorm in Nagoya. Since I kind of want to do some exploring outside of Nagoya, I was thinking of buying a JR Railpass and using it for the 1st week. What I'm thinking is each morning I'll take the Shinkansen from Nagoya to Tokyo or Osaka for the day then take the Shinkansen back to sleep. Is this a realistic idea?
by jer3  

... 2009/1/13 09:46
I personally wouldn't want to spend so much time on the trains, on the Shinkansen Hikari (fastest train you can use with the JR pass) it takes 1 hour and 48 minutes from Nagoya to Tokyo. I guess it depends how long you can stand spending on a train.

Nagoya to Osaka would be ok, it's about an hour. But again I guess it depends on how much you like trains. I would personally prefer to stay for a few days in Tokyo.
by AusEz rate this post as useful

... 2009/1/13 09:55
I have done it before, but do not want to do it again. It is possible and simply depends on whether you do or do not mind spending 4-6 hours per day on board of a train on multiple consecutive days.
by Uji rate this post as useful

... 2009/1/13 13:04
Thank you for the responses. Fortunately, my friend who lives in Tokyo told me I can stay at his place for the week so I can avoid this whole situation.
by jer3 rate this post as useful

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