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Yoshida institute vs. TCC 2009/1/14 15:15
I'm applying for a Japanese Language school next month and I'm just wondering if anyone has been enrolled in either of these two schools and if so how they liked it.
by Dai (guest)  

Yoshida 2009/1/14 22:05
I used to study at Yoshida a few years back and really enjoyed it (I can't comment on the other school).

The classes were fun and a good point was that there were few native English speakers which meant that Japanese was often used even between classes. Most of the students were Korean and then also Chinese, Indian, Sri Lankan and a few Swedes plus others. It was also good to interact with them and learn about their countries.

I guess it depends why you wanna study, but the classes follow a set course and by studying kanji everyday, reading/writing skills also rapidly improve.

I'd recommend it (as it was recommended to me before I went there)
by Ben (guest) rate this post as useful

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