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japanese female comedian 2009/1/26 05:54
hey guys, i stayed in japan for a couple months and i saw a show on tv i really enjoyed it, any ways i like to download some of it if i can

here is what i remember, it plays during midweek prolly 8-9pm there is the host and a celebrity. i think they have to dance and sing at the same time. if the host wins the match the celebrity has to give up one piece of clothing and the switch. they say change time and a thing comes down from the ceiling and they switch the cloths.

hope that helps thanks
by dave g  

Haneruno Tobira 2009/1/26 12:08
You're referring to Haneruno Tobira (はねるのトびら) on CX. The comedienne you're referring to is Abukawa Mihoko of Hokuyou.

I'm sure if you look around the net, you'll find it available to download somewhere.
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