
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Can you translate these lines? 2009/2/5 10:16
Please help me translate these lines. I understand some words, but not how to put them together!

"I woke up and for the very first time, I floated" ??

"...and/with your face"
(what is 切なげな) ??

"sliced through the sorrow...
sliced through the sorrow of your feelings" ??

(The kanji is not actually 居. It looks like it, but without the stroke on the left side.)

吐き出された君の 声
"your voice began to vomit" ??

Please help me... I'm going to tear my hair out.
by Mei Hua (guest)  

... 2009/2/5 10:57
The whole thing is connected, right? So you need to connect them to understand the full meaning. I'm correcting some of the kanji - I'm guessing a few.

吐き出された君の 声

(1) 日覚めて一番初めに浮んだのは"
ukabu" in this case means "to come to mind," so:
- The first thing that came to my mind as I awoke in the morning (was)

(2) "setsunai" is an adjective meaning "sad," "desperate," and "setsunage" is "looking sad/sorrowful"
- your sad face, and

(3) You betrayed me,
(4) You betrayed my feelings!

(5) I'm guessing it's 悲しげに
- sorrowfully

(6) - your voice that streamed out/came out (from you)

Actually, lines 3 through 6 connect as:

"Your voice that sorrowfully streamed out/came out from you, saying
You betrayed me, you betrayed my feelings!"
by AK rate this post as useful

- 2009/2/6 05:03
ユ豌! ミサミサ ~ thank you, thank you!
by Mei Hua (guest) rate this post as useful

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