
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Working at ski/beach resorts 2009/2/26 14:37
I've been teaching for a while and now I'm looking for something new. I was looking into other work options aside from teaching English in Japan and found that it was possible to work at ski and beach resorts. I found two websites: San Consulting (http://www.sanconjp.com/) and BoobooSki (http://www.boobooski.com/). From what I understand, they're the same company (the websites look almost identical). Has anyone had any experience with this company? How was it?

As for the requirements, San Consulting requires you to be IN Japan whereas BoobooSki doesn't. The pay also is different. This confuses me a little. Are they really the same company?

Any help would greatly be appreciated. Thanks. :)
by Amanda (guest)  

... 2009/2/26 22:15
I don't have any experience with either company, but the following I can imagine from looking at their websites:

SAN Consulting seems to be based in Japan, while booboo Ski is in Australia.
So I would assume that SAN is for recruiting people who are already in Japan (they may be on different types of visa status) and booboo Ski is, as Australia and Japan have Working Holiday Visa arrangement, maybe their branch in Australia, and focused on recruiting people FROM Australia who want to come to Japan on that program.

Note that SAN specifically says they do not sponsor a working visa; so you need to have the visa type they list under "eligibility." I suppose you are on Working Holiday Visa, then that's no problem.
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