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Cheap hayashi rice in Tokyo? 2009/3/1 00:48
Hi all,

I'm looking for a restaurant that sells relatively affordable but good Hayashi rice in Tokyo - preferably in Ueno / Asakusa / Shinjuku / Harajuku areas.

Have seen a couple of places like Nakamuraya and Kurofunetei, but they're a little above my budget (1500 yen and above!), so if anyone could recommend cheaper places (budget 600 - 1000) that would be great!

by rayeraye  

. 2009/3/2 10:47
school cafeteria?? lol
If you're in shinjuku you can visit the Aoyama College campus and get hayashi rice for real cheap!!!

ok, just kidding... but still an option.

There's curry houses in downtown Shinjuku too and they usually have cheap hayashi rice.
by UreshiiMiko rate this post as useful

hahahaha! 2009/3/2 10:59
or buy it at the supermarket.
for 100yen you can get a ready-made hayashi rice. just put it in the microwave
by dotcom (guest) rate this post as useful

oops... 2009/3/2 11:01
you said delicous...
ok, forget my prevoius post, please
by dotcom (guest) rate this post as useful

Hayashi Rice 2009/3/2 14:57
When I was a child in Japan, Hayashi rice was everywhere. Nowadays, it's much more difficult to find and they are getting expensive.
They used to serve Hayashi Rice and Curry Rice at Ramen Shops but that's getting rare too. But last time I visited Tokyo, I found Hayashi rice in one small Ramen Shop in Shibuya. So try Ramen shop and see if they serve one. They are always cheaper than anywhere else.

by chadpeterson rate this post as useful

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