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Sapporo Food - Must Try 2009/3/3 02:16
Hi, I will be in Sapporo in Mid March. Please recommend the Must-tries food in Sapporo and where to find them.

by Jan (guest)  

Ramen 2009/3/3 14:14
The best ramen in Japan:

by Steve (guest) rate this post as useful

mutton BBQ 2009/3/6 09:59
It's called "Jingisukan" : might be spelled "Jenghiskhan", I don't know the reason why.
The meat is mutton and what's the deffrence is the pot. They use speciall shaped pan.

Sapporo beer garden

Kirin beer en

Hokkaido is blessed with an abundance of seafood too. They are really good. Have a nice trip and enjoy Sapporo food!
by m (guest) rate this post as useful

... 2009/3/6 10:04
It's Jingisukan which is how Genghis Khan translates to Japanese.


It's basically thinly sliced lamb that you grill at your table. Often its all you can eat for a set time period.

Other Sapporo Favorites are Crab, steamed potatoes, and corn. There's a lot of good restaurants to check out around Susukino.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Crab! 2009/3/6 17:54
by =V(- -)V= (guest) rate this post as useful

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