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Cutlery and Chop Sticks 2009/3/10 20:28
Are there western style cutlery served in dining places (ie spoon, fork, knive) I fear if I rely on chopsticks I will starve, as I cannot get used to these implements. Should we bring our own set of cutlery?
by darbye  

cutlery 2009/3/11 00:15
In a high class western style hotel or restaurant or in a restaurant ( department store ) serving western dishes you will have cutlery. In a ramen, udon, sushi aso restaurant only chopsticks.
by Peter (guest) rate this post as useful

in my experience 2009/3/11 01:32
most places seem to have a few knives forks and spoons stashed away. When I first visited Japan with my brother he was often offered western cutlery after theyfd noticed him struggling with chopsticks for a few minutes. You certainly won't starve!
by phil (guest) rate this post as useful

Price not the issue 2009/3/11 08:35
Not only high class western restaurants but also cheap family restaurants and basic pasta places etc there are always knives and forks- in fact depending on the kind of food served there may not be any chopsticks.

If you go to a sushi restaurant don't expect there to be any forks on hand- and expect some odd looks if you break out a knife and fork to eat sushi with!
by Sira (guest) rate this post as useful

Be Careful 2009/3/12 14:52
Western-style dishes are served with Western-style cutlery and any restaurants that serve Western fare will have forks and spoons on-hand if you request them.

That said, especially in rural Japan and small neighborhood restaurants -- if the fare is largely Japanese (or Asian), you will be expected to use chopsticks. Forks and spoons can be tough to come by and table-knives are few and far between ~ especially in Japanese-style fast-food joints like kaiten-zushi, Yoshinoya and noodle shops.

Chopsticks aren't tough to figure out... you might want to try learning them at home before you go on your trip. But if you absolutely -must- have a spoon: you should probably bring it with you, just to be sure.
by Mia (guest) rate this post as useful

about Sushi... 2009/3/24 06:22
Many japanese eat Sushi with their hands (more often at a kaitzen sushi than in a Sushi-ya)... so donLt be surprised if you end eating it like that!!
by aerond rate this post as useful

Hmmm... 2009/3/24 08:28
I am sure you won't starve to death, besides if you give chopsticks a chance, you WILL get used to it, i promise - its not really that difficult, after 1-2 days you will be able to use them. (just look at it as a fun part of the trip, trying something new - isnt it what travelling is all about?)
Enjoy your trip.... uhm... meal! ;-)
by Th0mas24 (guest) rate this post as useful

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