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Absent from class... 2009/3/13 00:46
Can anyone tell me how to say “I will miss the next two classes/lessons” or a sentence to that effect?

I’m doing a Japanese beginners course and I thought it would be nice to tell my teacher in Japanese that I’ll be absent from the next two lessons. Obviously it would be best if it is in the polite form.

I have been trying to work it out myself but while I’ve got the right words (I think), I just can’t quite put it together.

This is what I got; 2しゅうかん日本語のじゅぎょうにはけっせきします.

Please excuse the kana and odd Kanji but I am only just starting out.
by phil (guest)  

... 2009/3/13 15:05
So you have one lesson a week, and you will miss the two upcoming sessions, one next week and another one the week after, correct? I would put it as:

らいしゅう と さらいしゅう、 (日本語の じゅぎょうを) けっせきします。

You can omit the part in parenthesis; I suppose the teacher would know WHAT class you are talking about :)
by AK rate this post as useful

That’s great AK 2009/3/13 18:01
Thanks for that. And I must learn to stop being so wordy. It just seems that when you’re starting out it is tempting to use as many words as possible. But you are quite right, it is obvious as to WHAT I will be absent from for two weeks!
by phil (guest) rate this post as useful

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