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Clothing for March April Travel 2009/3/14 09:52
I will be in Tokyo, Kyoto, Mt Fuji (5th station), Nikko, Hiroshima, Hakone in the next couple weeks - last week of March, first week of April. What kinds of clothing should I bring and what will the weather be like?
by J. Johnson (guest)  

It will vary 2009/3/14 11:41
Bring a very warm coat, as the Mt. Fuji area and Nikko could be close to 0 degrees C. This is a very changeable time of the year weather-wise and in Tokyo and Osaka for example it could be as warm as 25 degrees, or as cold as 7 or 8 degrees. It can also be quite windy, so be prepared for a range of temperatures.
by Sira (guest) rate this post as useful

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