
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Maize Meal/Mieliemeel 2009/3/28 12:35
Does anyone know where I can find Maize meal/mieliemeel that I can use for making "pap" for a barbeque?
by formosafriend  

... 2009/3/29 12:46
Is it different from "corn meal"? Corn meal is available at major supermarkets.
by JL (guest) rate this post as useful

Maize Meal/Mieliemeel 2009/3/29 13:27
Yes. The corn meal that I have found in the supermarket is made from yellow corn. I need the one made from white corn. Much better.
by formosafriend rate this post as useful

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