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About student visa 2009/3/30 00:57
Simple question: Could I try to apply for a student visa if I want to go learn on private lessons (on an academy which can offer sponsorship, of course), instead of going into a full-time course with other classmates?? I mean, would the academy be willing on offer sponsorship for the visa if ILm going on private lessons with them instead of a course??
Just to know if I have other options than a full-time course.
by aerond  

. 2009/3/31 14:16
Private lessons are incredible expensive, but assuming you negotiate with the school to give you private lessons FULL TIME, eg you are taking private lessons the same amount of class hours that a regular student would in a regular class, there MIGHT be a chance. Note it will have to be the same schedule. Which might be hard to handle and the costs would be out of this world (i think).

Any case, any reason why you don't want to take a class? You develop friends and learn and practice with other people who might be in the same boat you are in learning.

Anycase, ask the school. But I think the key is, you have to be taking a full schedule.
by ExpressTrain (guest) rate this post as useful

options 2009/3/31 18:09
ILm just studying every option available... ItLs not that ILm sick of people!!!! :DD
What ILm concerned about is having to move to Japan at a given time of the year (most schools seem to start their 1 year courses in April), so I donLt want to wait that long.
by aerond rate this post as useful

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