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A Japanese accent 2009/3/30 02:58
Is there a "Japanese" accent? Not Japanese-accented English, but a genuine accent of the English language that originates from Japan. I notice there's a small but noticeable community of English speakers that have spent almost their entire lives in Japan. So, I wonder, due to the sounds they hear everyday by Japanese speakers, would it necessarily affect the way they speak English, therefore establishing a kind of "accent"?
by Dustin (guest)  

Yes 2009/3/31 11:42
I believe there is. But, then again, there is a unique accent to every country because of linguistic capabilities it seems.
by philstert rate this post as useful

No English accent unique to Japan 2009/3/31 11:49
No, I don't believe so. English speakers who have lived all/most of their lives in Japan will be influenced by the accents of their parents or school mates. I have a number of half/three- quarters Japanese friends who grew up here- they all have an American accent in English because that was the dominant accent at the international schools they went to.

The half-Japanese people I know whose English is less strong have a noticeably Japanese-influenced accent, usually mixed with American pronunciation.
by Sira (guest) rate this post as useful

There is an accent 2009/4/1 05:17
There is an accent. But, you have to understand, that sometimes the dominant language of the region affects the way certain people speak English. My half-sister Christina went to American School in Japan, and she has a Japan-ish accent; her ability to speak the Japanese language is average at best. The "accent" is similar to a North American accent, it just has a very Japanese flavor to it...the way vowels are stressed, the words are paced, how the sounds are floated...But yeah, there is an accent.
by Robert V. (guest) rate this post as useful

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