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how much money will i spend? 2009/4/9 04:19
i will be in tokyo and kyoto/osaka for 9 days.would it be possible to stay on a budget of 10,000 yen a day for food/shopping?
by Phoenix21  

... 2009/4/9 06:57
Money spending differs greatly between people. Here are some general basics:
by Uji rate this post as useful

... 2009/4/9 06:59
To survive... yes, more than enough :)

It will depend on what you want to buy!!
by aerond rate this post as useful

Expensive 2009/4/9 13:43
I spent that much a day just on food and drinks, and that wasn't even at expensive restaurants.
by Ohyesuare rate this post as useful

... 2009/4/9 14:14
Depending on your shopping habits, 10000 yen per day should be plenty. I typically spend around 5000 yen per day on food while travelling in Tokyo and Osaka.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

spending money 2009/4/9 16:02
I second yllwsmrf. In 8 trips to Japan I have never spent more than 10 000 yen for meals and local transportation (and often much less). Of course I don't drink beer and hard stuff. As for gifts.. a few magazines and that's about it.
by Red frog (guest) rate this post as useful

. 2009/4/9 18:44
I spent that much a day just on food and drinks, and that wasn't even at expensive restaurants.

What did you eat and drink? 1000yen cups of coffee in Ginza? Assuming you had 3 square meals, breakfast, lunch, and dinner thats 3333 yen for each meal, a regular person doesn't spend that much so why should a tourist spend that much everyday?

I live in Tokyo aside from special events like office parties and such, never come close paying 10,000 day for just food and drink for daily life.

So I would say to the OP yes thats more then enough, but it depends on what you buy I guess.
by ExpressTrain (guest) rate this post as useful

define shopping? 2009/4/9 23:52
The problem, or variable, in the original question lies in the 'shopping' element. We can all make reasonable estimates based on food costs for three meals a day, even account for differing standards. However, shopping can be walking around Ginza not spending a dime, or it can be going crazy in Akihabara, spending tens of thousands of yen in an afternoon. If it were only food and drink, I think it is reasonable to budged 10000 a day for food and drink, but can't begin to help on the 'shopping' budget.
by westcoastwanderer (guest) rate this post as useful

tokyo on 10.000 yen 2009/4/10 09:33
i am just back from there and i have done it some days on 8000 en that is accom,meals and trains
3200y own room acom a/c tv ,ref. free use of internet
and onsen and coffee /ocha
4000y food buy from super markets and that is heaps of good stuff and a beer some times lol most times a large beer is 300y
then transport cost 500 t0 700 en around tokyo
10.000en go out and party
by robertandmargaret rate this post as useful

...... 2009/4/10 11:01
You'll have more than enough. I just came back from Japan, I went to Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka and I had a 1000 yen daily budget and I was fine. The only thing was that we never ate out in a fancy restaurant, just nice small places. Many times I never spent more 5000 yen unless we went to amusements parks and so forth. Towards the end of the trip, I had alot of money saved and spent a whole lot on souvenirs. And trust me, I did a lot of fun stuff.
by Hot Salsa rate this post as useful

query to Hot Salsa :) 2009/4/18 03:48
You'll have more than enough. I just came back from Japan, I went to Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka and I had a 1000 yen daily budget and I was fine. The only thing was that we never ate out in a fancy restaurant, just nice small places. Many times I never spent more 5000 yen unless we went to amusements parks and so forth. Towards the end of the trip, I had alot of money saved and spent a whole lot on souvenirs. And trust me, I did a lot of fun stuff.

Hi Hot Salsa :)
Did I get you right? it's just $10 per day?
thank you for reply.

by Sukey (guest) rate this post as useful

query to ExpressTrain :) 2009/4/18 03:51
I live in Tokyo aside from special events like office parties and such, never come close paying 10,000 day for just food and drink for daily life.

So how much do you think a first timer in Japan should budget per day for train fare, decent meal, simple souvenir? thank you for reply :)
by Sukey (guest) rate this post as useful

left off a zero 2009/4/18 08:11
Sukey, I'm pretty certain that Hot Salsa missed a zero and meant 10,000 yen a day, not 1,000. which would only really be possible if you stayed in your room all day and ate only Cup Noodles or similar.
For what you want to do you are looking at around 5,000 to 8,000 yen a day.
by Sira (guest) rate this post as useful

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