
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Best Western Shinjuku 2009/4/13 01:55
I'll most probably take the Nartita Express to Shinjuku. Can someone tell me which exit I should get out to reach the hotel? I've read on several forums that many people have trouble finding their way to the hotel. Hope someone can help me.

Thank you!
by Pinc (guest)  

... 2009/4/13 06:07
Leave the station through the Central East Gates or East Gates.
by Uji rate this post as useful

Lost 2009/4/13 09:42
I was staying at Sunroute Plaza Shinjuku and even after leaving out of the correct exit still had trouble finding it. Maybe plan a route to your hotel with Google earth street view, so at least you will be familiar with the streets you take to get there.
by Ohyesuare rate this post as useful

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