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Post Graduate School Job Prospects 2009/4/14 08:49
I have been dating a Japanese woman for about two and a half years now. We met in the US (I am a US citizen), and continued dating while I completed a one year internship in Japan. I am now back in the US, and have just finished my masters degree in engineering. I had been hoping to move back to Japan after completing my degree, and begin working in a related field. However, it has been very difficult to find a company that will sponsor me. Instead of getting a job, however, it looks as though I will have a good opportunity to go to graduate school in Japan and pursue a PhD. My adviser has some contacts and it looks as though there is funding available to support me. I am not particularly interested in getting a PhD, but going to school in Japan gives me the opportunity to make all sorts of contacts for finding work when I am done. It also puts me that much closer to my girlfriend. I have discussed this with a number of people, including a former grad student of the school to which I am considering attending. However, I am worried that I am giving up too easily on the employment front. So I am wondering if anyone else has been in a similar situation and could provide advice on the matter? Many thanks in advance.
by William (guest)  

Given the current economy 2009/4/14 11:24
Take the schooling offering if you want to be in Japan right now. Or don't, and play the "try and get a job in Japan from the other side of the world" game. Most companies want you in Japan for the interview and don't like conducting telephone interviews.
by ... (guest) rate this post as useful

Love & Career 2009/4/14 13:13
I think you are very luck. Most people would have to make a decision between Love or career. You have it in the one boat. I say go for it and further your education more.

I think it would be wise for your to forgo the engineer career in Japan for now. The world is in a major growth slowdown. This would impact your job hunting quite badly.
by Kevin (guest) rate this post as useful

Thank you 2009/5/19 01:35
Thanks for the advice. I think I will continue to pursue my education in Japan. I was just curious to know if there was an option I was overlooking.
by WIlliam (guest) rate this post as useful

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