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giving necklace as birthday present 2009/4/16 01:01
i was told that giving accessories such as necklace is considered ''too-over'' between friends in Japan. It is usually given by bf or gf. Will a Japanese guy misunderstood if he were to receive a necklace for his birthday from his online friend?

I hope someone can enlighten me regarding this qns..especially response from the Japanese! Thx!
by thinkingtoomuch (guest)  

. 2009/4/16 11:08
In general yes. But it can also depends on your situation. For instance, if you give him a necklace with his favorite band's logo, I don't think he will misunderstand. On the other hand, if you give him a silver necklace with your initial, he might think you are dropping a hint.
by . (guest) rate this post as useful

silver necklace 2009/4/17 01:23
Ohh! What if I gave him a dog-tag silver necklace? Does that mean anything too?
by thinkingtoomuch (guest) rate this post as useful

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