
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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days of the week 2009/4/26 01:09
Why are the days of the week written (in kanji) as, for example, ‰Î—j“ú, instead of just ‰Î—j, if kanji for fire is ‰Î and kanji for day is —j, and from my limited studies, kanji for sun is “ú, why is that last character necessary? I'm just a little confused can someone clear it up for me?
by Carolyne (guest)  

... 2009/4/26 11:48
"—j“ú" put together means "day of the week." “ú means not only "sun," but "day" as well. We do say (for short) ‰Î—j, omittint the obfvious "day," but the original word is —j“ú = day of the week.
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