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How to reach Hotel? 2009/5/6 23:52
It is first time to Osaka. Please advice save way to Toyoko Inn Yodoyabashi-eki Minami from Kansai airport?
by zone (guest)  

to hotel 2009/5/7 04:36
the hotel own site has a map and directions from the airport and other places.
by Monkey see (guest) rate this post as useful

to Yodoyabashi 2009/5/7 08:18
Kansai Airport Station to Nankai Namba(terminal) by Nankai Railway
Subway Namba to Yodoyabashi(3rd stop) by Osaka Subway Midosuji Line

Nankai Map

Osaka Subway Map
by Ts (guest) rate this post as useful

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