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in Osaka dialect... 2009/5/8 15:03
How can I say ''本当は行きたかったんじゃないの?”in Osaka dialect?
And does "...だと思う”become "やと思う”?
by Ojanne  

. 2009/5/8 23:01
Yes, "だと思う" = "やと思う".

You can say "本当は行きたかったんじゃないの?”as
"本当は行きたかったんとちゃう?”in Osaka dialect.
by . (guest) rate this post as useful

hmmm 2009/5/8 23:10
Does that mean the (じゃない)in the negative questions always becomes "..とちゃう"?
by Ojanne rate this post as useful

. 2009/5/9 00:12
That's right.
by . (guest) rate this post as useful

本当ー>ほんま 2009/5/11 22:37
I won't use 本当 but use ほんま instead :p
by Holthuijsen rate this post as useful

hmm.. 2009/5/11 22:45
I thought it was strange because I already knew about (本当>>ほんま)
by Ojanne rate this post as useful

. 2009/5/12 00:15
本当, ほんま, ほんと are all used regularly in Osaka. Not many people really say おおきに anymore in real life.
by . (guest) rate this post as useful

... 2009/5/12 00:23
I see ^-^;
thank you.
by Ojanne rate this post as useful

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