
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Translation, please. 2009/5/10 18:42
Please, what does it mean: Gohiki ni shite kudasai.

by Jim (guest)  

. 2009/5/10 22:48
I´m not completely sure, but I think it means "Please, make it 5 (animals)".

Because in Japanese, there is counter suffix that works like this for animals;

1 animal - ippiki
2 animals - nihiki
3 animals - sanbiki
4 animals - yonhiki
5 animals - gohiki
by Mi (guest) rate this post as useful

. 2009/5/11 05:13
Can it be "gohiikini shite kudasai"?
by . (guest) rate this post as useful

Yes... 2009/5/11 14:42
Yes, it is most probably gohiikini shite kudasai. What is the translation, please?
by Jim (guest) rate this post as useful

Please be our regular customer... 2009/5/11 18:49
First of all, Gohiiki is a polite word of Hiiki, or 贔屓(ひいき). So they are are asking you your patronage (most of cases, to shops, restaurants, services, high-grade Ryokan etc.)

More frankly;
Please come back again and be our regular (or special) customer!
by fujipon rate this post as useful

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