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Kyoto City Buses crowded on weekdays? 2009/5/12 13:56
Are the kyoto city buses e.g. 206 etc which goes to kyoto places of interest, crowded during the weekdays?

It seems to be the cheapest way to see kyoto.

by ksthong  

. 2009/5/12 22:16
Yes, but not bad for Japan. You might have to stand.
by . (guest) rate this post as useful

Not all year round 2009/5/15 22:23
During the peak seasons, yes. Otherwise, weekday buses aren't quite crowded. Even so, getting around by bus tend to be very stressful, as you often get stuck with the heavy traffic. So I prefer to subway whenever possible.
by Kyotoite1978 rate this post as useful

yes 2009/5/16 07:28
yes, and slow : go subways wherever possible. In fact I recommend a Surrutto prepaid card: no discount but amazingly convenient ..we did the bus thing last year,and hated it, and found the surrutto card and what it enabled us to do SO much better
by fmj rate this post as useful

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