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Where do I recharge the Pasmo? 2009/5/18 20:58
Can I recharge the Pasmo card at a Suica machine? I charged it up originally at the airport and i havent seen a machine that looks quite the same though i have seen machines that say Suica on them. Im near the Akihabara station and i need to get to Tokyo station (still have to figure out how to do that!:P). We are taking the Nozomi to kyoto. I'm pretty sure that i cant use Pasmo (or suica) in kyoto. It has been so wonderful having the passmo (saves so much time and thinking as I speak about 3 words of Japanese and my co-traveller is too shy to speak what he knows *grrrr*) Is there something easy like the pasmo that we could use in kyoto for three days? or can we just walk everywhere? I'm probably waaaay over thinking everything...
by littlespitfyre  

subway station 2009/5/18 21:59
You can recharge it at the vending machine at any subway station in Tokyo(eg subway Akihabara station).

(still have to figure out how to do that!)
Go to the "Greet Counter" in Akihabara station and tell the staff. You cant pay the shinkansen expense with Pasumo Card, so have some cash or a credit card with you.

- Is there something easy like the pasmo that we could use in kyoto for three days?

How to get around Kyoto and Passes in Kyoto
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