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Question about kanji 2009/5/29 06:05
Hi I'm Nemanja from Serbia , and i have question about kanji , I already have tattoo and i what to add some things . A white tiger and symbols that tiger represent ''The meaning of a tiger tattoo is fierceness, strength and power'' , or similar symbols : * Power and might. * Pride and beauty. * Passion and sensuality. * Cruelty and violence. * Purity and courage. So if you can help i would appreciated
by Kanji (guest)  

. 2009/5/29 09:43
What is your question?
by . (guest) rate this post as useful

..... 2009/5/29 12:13
you're asking the kanji for "Power and might," "Pride and beauty," "Passion and sensuality," "Cruelty and violence," "Purity and courage"???
"Power and might" would be "力," "Pride and beauty" would be something like "誇,美," "Passion and sensuality" is like "情熱." maybe no kanji for sensuality...the next one would be "残酷,沫ヘ." then, the last one would be like "清,勇気."
As Japanese' view, i do not recommend you to have these in Kanji, coz it just looks strange.
by ....... (guest) rate this post as useful

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