
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Questions for Moving to Japan 2009/6/8 14:04
Hi! I've just got a job in Japan starting August if all goes well with my VISA. I'm trying to figure out my expenses until my first paycheck (which I'll get about 6 or 7 weeks after I arrive). What's the ABSOLUTE minimum I'll need to live off of once I arrive? Are there any expenses I might need to cover that I might not thik of before hand in your opinion?

Also, how much does it cost to get hooked up to the internet? What company would be best to use? I think my apartment will have fiber optic. How much will it cost to get a cell phone with a plan? Would I be better getting a prepaid one? What company is best for phone service?

Oh I'll be in Sendai if knowing location helps!

Thank you!
by Zash  

similar thread 2009/6/8 14:36
Here's a similar thread considering first months living expenses:


Also, how much does it cost to get hooked up to the internet? What company would be best to use? I think my apartment will have fiber optic.

It depends on what service you use. They are pretty comparable, and know that you'll probably get 2-3 months free when making a contract so it may not figure into your first month expenses.

See this site for info. They are a free english service that will help you through the process.


How much will it cost to get a cell phone with a plan?

First month is basically the cost of the phone which ranges from 0-10000 yen, but is typically around 10000-20000 yen.

Would I be better getting a prepaid one?

Depends on your usage and habits. Prepaid phones are around 6000-15000 yen and you pay as you go from there.

What company is best for phone service?

For the big 3 companies, Docomo is known for relatively more expensive plans with "cooler" phones. Softbank is the only carrier that currently offers the iphone, and AU has cheaper plans for students. Other than that they're very similar, it really depends on your local coverage, but Sendai is pretty urban and I would expect all the major brands to have acceptable coverage.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

au 2009/6/12 08:47
IMO, au has much cooler phones than docomo.
by .... (guest) rate this post as useful

au 2009/6/12 10:04
yea, its a really subjective generalization. I have au myself and have been happy with my phone and my service, however I'm thinking of switching to softbank for the iphone.

Other things I can thing of are that all of softbanks phones are supposed work globally, most of docomo's do, while au has very few models that are global phones.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

Thank you! 2009/6/12 10:25
Thank you for your help! ^_^ Now to figure out what plans are actually good... XD I foresee fun times ahead!

Sorry, it took me so long to reply. I was trying to figure out if there was a way to reply to comments. Don't think there is... So I just did a regualr reply.

Thanks again!
by Zash rate this post as useful

thanks 2009/6/14 17:21
Hey Zash, I'll be coming to work in August too! I also had the same questions, so thanks for asking, and thanks to those who answered.

So did you find a phone/plan that looked good? And where will you be living? I'll be living in the fukushima prefecture.
by red13 (guest) rate this post as useful

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