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Muslims in Shinjuku 2009/6/9 22:03
Hi. I'm a Muslim student from Singapore and I'll be going for an exchange programme to Waseda University this Fall. I was just wondering, does anyone know whether there is a Muslim community in the area, or where I can purchase halal food etc? Thanks in advance!
by ida (guest)  

... 2009/6/10 10:04
there're several halal food stores near JR Okubo station.
Fuji store, Halal Food store, NASCO and Rose Family Store in the following page are located in a close distance in Hyakunincho area.

This blog (though it's written in Japanese) has pictures of the stores.

Get a bike and you can easily go to Okubo! Hope you'll have a lot of fun in Waseda Uni.
by Ogojo (used to live in Waseda) (guest) rate this post as useful

thank you! (: 2009/6/12 01:57
Ogojo-san, arigatou gozaimasu! I really appreciate the links, and will be checking the places out when I get there. :)

I have a question though. How far away are the shops (roughly) from the Waseda campus itself? As in, is it possible for me to walk or do I have to take a bus/train?

Sorry for the trouble, and thank you!
by ida (guest) rate this post as useful

... 2009/6/12 10:59
Your questions are anytime welcomed!

Waseda Uni itself is quite big and it depends on which department you go.
Roughly, these shops are located about 1 km from Engineering Department (of Waseda Uni) and 2.5-3 km from main campus.

How about getting a bike? Then, you can easily go to Shinjuku & Ikebukuro, too.

In this map, shops' address is pointed as "A" and 早稲田理工学部 is Engineering Department while 早稲田大 is main campus.
by Ogojo (guest) rate this post as useful

:) 2009/6/21 01:10
Ogojo-san, sorry for the late reply. And once again, ありがとうございます! The map is really helpful! I'm sure I'll be able to find the stores using it. (: Thank you for the links to the pictures as well. It'll make finding and spotting the stores so much easier!
by ida (guest) rate this post as useful

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