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Buy a moped/scooter and how expensive? 2009/6/16 01:35
I will stay for 7 months in Yokohama for an internship and I love to travel by my own and so I would like to buy me a moped. Can anybody help me, where I could get one and how much it will cost (insurance, tax, moped itself)? Thanks in advance.

Bye Rico
by Rico (guest)  

is there nobody who have a good idear 2009/8/14 10:16
Right now I arrived in Japan, but it is really not easy to get a used one and no one in the shop can speak english. Does anyone know if I could buy one wher I have to go to pay tax and stuff like that?
by Rico (guest) rate this post as useful

scooter 2009/8/14 11:43
I've seen them used for between 40,000 and 70,000 yen. I would assume taxes and insurance are quite cheap.

Also, what country are you coming from and do you have a license that allows you to operate a motor scooter? If not then you will have to either convert your driver's license or take the scooter licensing class/test.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

scooter 2009/8/14 17:05
the license is no problem, I have a translated german one and can drive to 50cc. But at the moment the problem is that I couldn't find a used scooter
by Rico (guest) rate this post as useful

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