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am i qualified to be an english teacher? 2009/6/19 14:29
i am a marketing graduate from Philippines and interested in coming over there in Japan. am i qualified to be an English teacher?.. arigato.. hehehe..
by anne valencia (guest)  

. 2009/6/19 16:55
You`re definitely qualified to be an English teacher in Japan but you`re probably not eligible for a visa because you`re from the Philippines.
by . (guest) rate this post as useful

... 2009/6/19 17:33
What's most important is whether you are a native speaker of the English language, and if you are not from a country where English is the first language, whether you've spent was it 10? 12? years of schooling conducted in English.
by AK rate this post as useful

english levels 2009/6/19 18:43
If you want people to take you seriously when asking about English-teaching jobs, it is probably a good idea to use good English (e.g. capital letters where needed) in your post. You may then get better quality answers as people will know you are serious about it.
by rizal (guest) rate this post as useful

. 2009/6/20 00:41
Depends on your visa status, if you're looking for a work visa and a company to sponsor you then not being a "native speaker" or from a country where english is the native language would be a downside.

On the other side, if you were coming on some other visa status and have work permission with that other status, then i've met plenty of non native English teachers, but again they were on other visa statuses.
by Express Train (guest) rate this post as useful

accent 2009/6/20 07:50
if you have a heavy filipino accent it's going to be of concern to any company that might hire you. a filipino english accent is extremely undesirable just about everywhere.

you can teach english privately anywhere you want if you can find students willing to hire you.

by winterwolf rate this post as useful

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