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Travelling by Night Bus 2009/6/19 19:58
Does anyone here has any experience travelling long distance e.g from Tokyo to Hiroshima by highway buses e.g Is it comfortable and recommendable? Do they buses really stop every three every hours for rest? Thank you.
by tia (guest)  

night bus 2009/6/19 23:35
Is it comfortable and recommendable?

I've travelled on night buses and while I think they are comfortable and would recommend them, it really depends on how the individual traveller. The buses are dark and the seats are typically separated from each other, but if you can't sleep on buses then you won't be very comfortable as its a long trip.

Do they buses really stop every three every hours for rest?

Yes, the buses have prescheduled stops at rest areas where there are restrooms, vending machines, convenience stores, and sometimes restaurants.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

... 2009/6/20 10:39
I use night train as my accommodations instead of hotels on all my previous trips to Japan. But I have only one nite experience with the JR night bus from Tokyo to Osaka (7000yen) and it wasn't very good.
by lester (guest) rate this post as useful

Nigh buses 2009/7/14 13:52
I have travelled on several 123buses (Willer buses). It really depends on the bus type. If you take a 3-seater with reclining seats, it is very comfortable. Willer 4-seaters with reclining seats are not very roomy, but they are ok if you are not very tall or wide. These are better than sleeping in an airplane, as the seats recline to 140 degrees or so. They also have regular buses which are as bad as airplane. So be careful of the bus type. Buses are completely dark for the night, but bring your own neck pillow, eye patch and earplugs and you'll be even more comfortable (If you don't have those, buy from 100yen shop :) )

There are many other companies too but usually you have to know some Japanese to be able to book.
by Onna (guest) rate this post as useful

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