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about japan tax 2009/6/25 05:55
im presently university student in japan usually i aslo do some kind of parttime jobs like other foreginers that part time jobs money we useing for living in japan end of month we havent any money my problems is i got japan living tax thats lot of money to us i dont no wht to do this we cant pay like that kind of money if some one can tell me wht to do to this .... thx
by samee (guest)  

... 2009/6/25 06:49
You could lend some money from a friend.

Or you could pay a few weeks later, including a small "fine" for the delay.
by Uji rate this post as useful

Ward Office 2009/6/25 09:17
You can also go to your ward or city office and work out a payment plan that will suit you.
by Smoke (guest) rate this post as useful

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