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Please spell knowledge sharing 2009/6/26 15:44
Hi i got the japanese term for Knowledge sharing as '知識の共有'. please spell in English .
It would be very greatful if anyone can spell me few other words like Education , Training
by akiross3 (guest)  

. 2009/6/26 23:10
知識の共有 (chishiku no hyouyou)
by . (guest) rate this post as useful

. 2009/6/27 00:48
Sorry, I meant to type "chishiki".
by . (guest) rate this post as useful

hyouyou? 2009/6/27 08:55
Actually that is "chishiki no kyouyuu", not "hyouyou".

Education is "kyouiku" (教育). Training is often the katakana version of the English word- toreeningu (トレーニング), but there are other terms.
by Sira (guest) rate this post as useful

Romanization of some kanji words 2009/6/27 11:03
knowledge --- chishiki 知識
wisdom: of human, of predecessors --- eichi 英知 or 叡智 (in archaic writ.)
wisdom: academic --- hakushiki 博識 (= wide range of knowledge), gakushiki 学識 (= academic knowledge)
education --- kyouiku 教育
learning --- gakushuu 学習
study: learning at / for schools --- benkyou 勉強
study: learning hard something academic --- bengaku 勉学
study: academic subject in schools, universities --- kamoku 科目 , gakka 学科
study: academic research --- kenkyuu 研究
training --- kunren 訓練 (also means drill), tanren 鍛錬 (also means discipline), toreeningu トレーニング (of sports)
training: on race horses --- choukyou 調教
practice: exercise --- renshuu 練習
practice: exercise in line with reality --- jisshuu 実習
practice: making / turning into reality --- jissen 実践 , jikkou 実行 (also means execution)
practice: convention of community, of art, etc. --- kankou 慣行 , kanshuu 慣習
practice: local or folk habits and manners --- fuushuu 風習


by omotenashi rate this post as useful

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