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Getting ready for Japan 2009/7/3 09:32
I am a college student going on my second year. I am studying my butt off and takeing about 6 classes each semmister and so far so good. I realy realy want to get to Japan and work for JET (my dream job lol) any suggestions on getting there faster other than finnishing college. Finnishing that is my main goal at the moment. I am going for my Bacherlors in English.
by JustinChaos  

JET 2009/7/3 09:58

If you are not from a country that participates in the working holiday visa programme, I'm afraid there are no short-cuts, so keep working hard at your university studies, and try and improve your English if you really plan to teach the language in Japan.
by Dave in Saitama (guest) rate this post as useful

Stay in school 2009/7/3 13:21
You need that bachelor's degree before any doors will open for you in Japan job-wise.

But if you want to make the JET programme more or less a sure thing: pursue Japanese language studies, obtain tutoring or teaching experience (even on a volunteer basis), and travel internationally (or at least expand your world-view by familiarizing yourself with other cultures).

Passing the JET interview can be tough. Making sure you have the qualifications to impress the review board is important.

Consider completing TESL or TEFL courses by mail or at your university.

You have the time to prepare, be glad for it :)
by mia (guest) rate this post as useful

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