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Several points i need help in 2009/7/9 10:37
Ok Lets start at the basics, I want to move to Japan to live there what do i need i really dont know. Second im looking for college over there to study video game programing but im not finding much if anyone knows any it would be great if you tell me, third how much does a ticket to Japan cost, i live in Puerto Rico and i heard its 2000 but just to make sure and for last how much is one us dollar in yen, thanks.
by Omaro (guest)  

basic questions 2009/7/9 12:45
All your questions are so basic that you should be able to find answers to all of them on the internet. For example the cost of a flight! just check the internet site of a US airline then check a flight form Puerto Rico to Narita Japan via the USA. The yen versus the $? even newspapers have that in the business section.
by Buddy (guest) rate this post as useful

umm thx? 2009/7/9 14:01
Well answer the college and what i need to live in japan since theyre so simple, if i hadnt searched i would not be asking here.But thanks for the ticket one ^^ i already know how much it is but i want to make sure.
by Omaro (guest) rate this post as useful

answers 2009/7/9 14:47
Ok, well to live you will need a proper visa. In your case a student visa looks most appropriate, but be aware that you will need sufficient funds to cover your tuition and living expenses before your visa will be issued. Not to mention being accepted to a school that can sponsor a student visa.

To go to a college with majors in game design will require a high level of Japanese ability. JLPT level 2 at least for many schools.

See this page for immigration info:

by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

also 2009/7/9 14:53
How old are you and how long term of a plan is this? The main obstacle is probably the language ability if you don't have that already.

Also, if you're looking at more than a year from now it will be useless to look up plane tickets and exchange rates as they are volatile. For example, today its about 93 yen to the dollar while last year at this time it was 108 yen/dollar.
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

read 2009/7/12 03:53
Im 17 year old, and well the plan of going to japan would be around next summer but the prices ive seen for a long time for plane tickests are always arounf 2000 so idk and for the language i already started taking classes so i hope i can understand enough for when i leave, right now the biggest problem is looking for a college and place to stay.
by Omaro (guest) rate this post as useful

April 2009/7/12 08:12
Did you know that the Japanese college year starts in April? If you arrive in summer you will be too late.
by Sira (guest) rate this post as useful

Language 2009/7/12 15:53
You will not be at JLPT level 2 by the start of the college year next year, even if you started lessons earlier this year. Not unless you are some learning superstar.
You would be much better off to delay your plan for at least a year.
by .. (guest) rate this post as useful

Well 2009/7/16 11:47
That is also an option i have, to stay one more year and then go but the thing is thats only if i dont have enough money by the time i go and if my parents are willing to help, and even if i dont make it in time for when college starts or not have the required level in laguage ill still go, im not going just for the school, it would be also good in my opinion to go and get used to the place before starting in college, but if i can enter right when i go that would be better.
by Omaro (guest) rate this post as useful

tourist visa 2009/7/16 12:40
if i dont have enough money by the time i go and if my parents are willing to help, and even if i dont make it in time for when college starts or not have the required level in laguage ill still go, im not going just for the school

Be aware that if this is the situation then you are basically limited to a tourist visa. You won't be able to stay in the country longer than 90 days as you need at least a college education to qualify for a work visa.

This would be a great chance to experience the country and see if its a good fit for you. Have you been to Japan before?
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

No 2009/7/18 13:47
I havent been to japan before, i have read a lot about it and i mean a lot, and really i havent yet found something i dont like and if the visa thing is true well i can always look for japanese classes for gaijin over there
by Omaro (guest) rate this post as useful

Game Colleges in Japan 2009/7/20 07:37
Looks like you and me share a similar interest. When I was looking for a college with a game program I looked to Japan first as well. There aren't many unfortunately, Kyoto University and Digital Hollywood are the first that come to mind. Tokyo U probably has a program as well, but as its been stated you need a good handle on the language before you can really do anything. I've been self-teaching for 3yrs and I'm not there yet(I am proud of myself for being able to manage during my time over there though :D).
I think your best bet is to find a school in America and go through some sort of exchange in order to get over to Japan. In fact, thats what the Japanese are doing! If you know anything about the industry you're trying to get into, then you know that western development is much more desirable at the moment. The same goes for study.
I, for example, will enter college next month for Game Art/Animation. My school doesn't have an exchange program but it is necessary to do an internship before I graduate. By the time I enter my junior or senior year, I expect to be fluent in the Japanese language to be able to do my internship overseas. Theres many ways to get to Japan, and just as many obstacles. You'll get there soon enough. :]
by 2rei rate this post as useful

Nice 2009/7/25 14:26
Im liking u already man lol, well many have told me just that, to go to the US and see if i can get into an exchange program to go to Japan and that is one of the plans i have but that is the last resort for me since i dont have much confidence that i will be able to make it if i do that. So the option i have right now is going to Tokyo and study japanese which i found a school just for that but dammit i lost the website and im still cursing myself and looking for it lol. Going straight to college seems impossible now since i just learned the year starts in april and i really didnt know i thought it would be around august but i did find a college over there that teaches video game programing and accepts people outside japan which is Tokyo polytechnic. If i do need to know a lot of japanese well im pretty confident i can learn it fast...maybe i just dont know what im getting myself into lol but i started classes 4 weeks ago and i already know the hiragana and katakana (maybe u all learned it in like one week or 3 days and im just a fool lol)but i still havent started kanjin so hey maybe those are hell on earth. Well right now i have to focus on getting money since my dad is against all of it and wants to me to just study here and then when i get a job do what i can to go to Japan which i will not do, im obsessed with Japan and i will do everything i can to get there and i dont want to wake up everyday somewhere i dont want to be cursing myself for not working to go where i want, if i regret going when i do get there well it wont matter, at least i wont have in my head the question what if.
by Omaro (guest) rate this post as useful

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