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Income statement 2009/7/11 13:11

When I got my student visa here in Japan they asked me to produce an income statement. I get around 270,000 yen sent to me every month from abroad (parents) so I gave them that and things worked out well.

I'm still in University but suppose I marry my girlfriend (2 or 3 years from now) and apply for a spouse visa. I read you needed an income statement.

Now assume I'm on my 4th year or even in Graduate school and she's working. Would the bureau accept my 300,000(got a ''raise'' last month,lol)? I mean, I've been getting that for a year since I got to Japan and'll probably be getting it for many years to come so they'd accept it, right?
by Cis (guest)  

Less to worry 2009/7/12 14:35
I take it you are non-Japanese and your girlfriend is Japanese?
When you apply for your Spouse visa in the future, yes, that should be fine - if your future wife is working at the time, you can also attach her income statement as a proof that the two of you have enough to support yourselves.
by AK rate this post as useful

Cool 2009/7/12 17:37

I'm planning on getting a part-time job but I figured 40 or so thousand yen a month would get my a nice ''thanks for trying but no'' note.

Maybe it's not that strange but it's unfair how they don't let you live here unless you have a job or are a student.

Or maybe it's possible?

by Cis (guest) rate this post as useful

Nothing unfair about it 2009/7/12 21:17

I thought you said you were going to marry your Japanese girlfriend, and apply for Spouse visa, right? Then you will probably be granted the visa (provided the marriage is genuine) *because* you are married to a Japanese national, nothing else to it. For a Spouse visa, if your wife-to-be earns enough (like the amount you mentioned above), you can be looking for a new job, even.

It is true that Immigration grants you visa to Japan on a "strictly as needed" basis - meaning, you want to study in Japan so you need a student visa, and some company in Japan needs you in Japan to work for them so you get a work-permitting visa, etc. But as far as I know, Immigration of ANY country is like that :) So I would not say it's unfair...
by AK rate this post as useful

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