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Most inexpensive cities in Japan. 2009/7/12 17:56
I'm planning to move to Japan in a year or two. I haven't really decided on where yet. I'd like to know about the most inexpensive cities in the country. Especially when it comes to renting an apartment and other daily living expenses. If anyone could also describe what life is like there, that'd be great too. The more suggestions, the better. Thanks!
by Gus III  

What will you do? 2009/7/12 20:40
What will you be doing in Japan? If you will need to find work, then that should be your main priority, as jobs for non-Japanese are not that plentiful outside the large (and more expensive) cities.

by Sira (guest) rate this post as useful

. 2009/7/13 00:53
Tokyo and Osaka are the two most expensive cities in the world--so don't go there.

Go to Naha in Okinawa if you're looking for a cheap city to live in. There aren't very many jobs there, though.
by . (guest) rate this post as useful

Not expensive 2009/7/13 01:40
Surveys that place Tokyo, Osaka and other towns as "most expensive" aren't for average people like most of us on this forum, but for business executives that demand the best or most expensive of everything. The US government estimate than one needs at least $ 450 per day for accommodations, basic transportation and food in Tokyo, Osaka (and Paris, London..) yet tourists do live for much cheaper than that and locals, many of them not that rich, can and do live in these towns on a low to moderate income.
It is true, though, that small towns in rural area are--in many parts of the world-- cheaper (but not always) but there are no jobs, which is why big towns keep getting bigger.
For the OP: and what would you do in a small town? especially if you don't speak/ read/ write fluent Japanese?
by Monkey see (guest) rate this post as useful

All relative 2009/7/13 09:30
EVERY city in the world can be as expensive or cheap as you want to make it.

The apartment here costs $500 - the one across the road is half that, while the street 2 steps closer to the city in the nice neighbour costs triple - get my point?

If the price of beef is too high for you - eat fish.

Tip: If you're looking for the cheapest and best lunches and early dinners - follow the guys in white business shirts!
by John (guest) rate this post as useful

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