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Bicycle 2009/7/13 09:03
I'm wondering, I heard that a lot of Japanese use bicycles to go to work and school, and the language school I will go to said that the host family can provide the students with bikes to go to school...
My problem is, even though I'm 18, I can't ride a bike to save my life...
How could I say that to my family?
I'm worried!
by Baka -_-' (guest)  

... 2009/7/13 10:18
More importantly, how will you get to school then???

You could always tell your hosts you'd "prefer to walk".

Although, is there any chance of you learning? It really is a lot of fun.
by John (guest) rate this post as useful

Don't ride them, then 2009/7/13 10:28
A lot of Japanese don't use bicycles to go to work and school, so you can be like them, too. Japan is not exactly a bicycle-friendly place overall.
by Uco (guest) rate this post as useful

. 2009/7/13 11:16
Tell them in plain English or Japanese that you can't. They will tell you other options. No big.
by . (guest) rate this post as useful

learn! 2009/7/13 13:06
learn how when you get here, they are extremely useful.

I consider myself to be good at riding bicycles and have always felt so, but when I came to Tokyo and started riding a bike here it was a whole new ballgame. Riding bikes on the sidewalks and roads and in the tiny walkways between alleyways is something else. Dodging OL's and mamachari's and salarymen on the sidewalks while they don't raise their umbrella for you when it's pouring rain etc etc.. It was a big challenge to relearn how to "drive" in conditions like that. But I managed! You can do it too.
by Winterwolf (guest) rate this post as useful

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