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spouse visa renewal addresses different 2009/7/14 20:16
I will apply for renewal of my spouse visa soon and I am worried that because my address on my gaijin card is different from my wifes, she is living with her mother, there could be problems.
Any advice would be much appreciated.
by mickey (guest)  

get it changed 2009/7/15 09:22
Yes, I would say that it will definitely cause problems if your wife is registered at her parents home.

When I was applying for my spouse visa last year we had this exact same situation. We hadn't bothered to change my wife's registered address to match mine even though we'd been married and living together for nearly a year. We called up immigration and they said that it would cause them to question the authenticity of our marriage resulting in my spouse visa being either delayed or denied, and that it was best to match our registered addresses before applying. We did as they recommended and my visa was approved in 2 days.

What exactly is your situation? Would it be possible to change to the same address?
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

situation 2009/7/16 11:27
She moved back to her mothers when her father died because she was worried about her mother. I found a house but she is not ready to move yet. Will the fact that we have a 4 year old child affect their view. Even though I live at a different address I am supporting both of them.
by mickey (guest) rate this post as useful

registered 2009/7/16 11:32
Can't you both just register at the new house? Aren't you both registered at the same place now? Or did she change her registration when she moved back home?
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

registration 2009/7/16 13:41
She hadn't changed her registration. It has always been her mothers address. I had to change mine to my new address for city tax purposes.
by mickey (guest) rate this post as useful

change 2009/7/16 13:56
Is there something that is preventing her from being registered at the new address as well?
by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

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