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Birthcontrol pill in Japan 2009/7/18 06:35
I have been taking birthcontrol pills for about 6 years already for the obvious reason and also because it's handy to control monthly periods with, and my body is totally adjusted to them.
I'm from Holland and it's completely normal here but I read somewhere that it's illegal to have them in Japan. It this true? And if so can I still take them with me on my trip to Japan next year because I'm a tourist?

by Aisukurimu chan  

Available in Japan as well :) 2009/7/18 13:05
It is no problem if you want to bring the ones you use, for your personal use :)

The low dosage birth control pills (when I say "low dosage," that's the one you take for birth control purposes, while "high dosage" are for therapeutic reasons) have been available in Japan for the past several years already, though you need to go to a lady's clinic to obtain them in Japan. No worries.
by AK rate this post as useful

I'm relieved~ 2009/7/18 18:08
Thank you very much AK! Now I can go without worrying of it being taken away at the airport.
by Aisukurimu chan rate this post as useful

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