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flights to the states 2009/7/18 08:05
Does anyone know any cheap websites for flights between japan and america (preferably hawaii). My parents are interested in flying there from Japan while on holidays in Japan.
by Deaks  

... 2009/7/18 13:45
Your parents could ask their Australian travel agency in advance to look around, but if not, you can look up fares on sites like this:

(Not a recommendation, but I know this company is cited often as English-language Japan based travel agency often.)
by AK rate this post as useful

Try these 2009/7/18 20:20
by Paul (guest) rate this post as useful

Try H.I.S. travel for cheap tix 2009/8/24 19:56
Either in Japan, or in Hawaii, or on the U.S. West Coast, the company called H.I.S. is likely to have some of the cheapest tickets for travel between Japan and the United States. Reason: the are an aggregator. This kind of stuff does not work for domestic U.S. travel but does for international. Expect to pay about USD 600 per round-trip ticket from Japan to Honolulu. H.I.S. also sells flight+hotel packages and has access to charter flights. You will find H.I.S. offices all over Japan. Good luck!
by Sven in Hawaii rate this post as useful

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