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Recommended places for Late Sept? 2009/7/19 14:21
Hello. As title I would want to know the recommended places to visit in Japan during late sept. Most likely 25th sep - 2nd/3rd Oct.

I'm traveling with my parents and a brother (which makes 4 of us) and we're having a bit of trouble deciding where to go.

I have been to South Hokkaido so maybe that's out. North Hokkaido they said it'll be better to go in the Winter? Currently considering Tokyo, Osaka, Kobe etc. (Doesn't mind hopping around.)

We're more of relaxing, food and scenery rather than shopping.

I'll appreciate your help!
by Mel (guest)  

... 2009/7/20 11:15
Any part of Japan can be visited and is relatively attractive in late September. I definitely recommend to select your destinations based on personal interest:
by Uji rate this post as useful

... 2009/7/20 11:17
Trees start to color in late September in higher elevations on Hokkaido and Honshu:
by Uji rate this post as useful

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