
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Old Prepaid Cell Phone 2009/7/20 21:25
During my year abroad in Japan I purchased a prepaid softbank phone.I am going to Japan for another 2 months and would like to use my prepaid phone again. But since I did not use it for nearly one year I guess it is reactivated as written in the manual. Is there a possibility to reactivate it? If yes, how much is it and do I need a torokusho again?

by Dominik (guest)  

reactivation 2009/7/21 09:12
If the phone number is still active then you can just buy more credit and apply it to the phone. The number will remain active one year from the expiration of your credit (which depends on how many times you applied credit to the phone and is up to 360 days). So depending on your usage there's a chance your number is still active.

However, if it is no longer active then they won't reactivate it for you. You will have to purchase a new handset which may or may not require an ARC depending on which softbank branch you are applying at.

by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

online credit 2009/7/21 09:15
I just noticed that you can purchase credit online. Might be worth checking out, and at the very least might tell you if your number is still active.

by yllwsmrf rate this post as useful

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