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Health insurance and living in Japan 2009/7/23 01:47
Hi, all. I had a previous question about moving and getting a visa, now I'm trying to figure out health insurance.

My company only pays for my own health insurance, and has figured out a way for me to have health insurance in Japan (aside from the standard Kokumin-Kenkō-Hoken (which I am eligible for since I dont technically work for a Japanese company).

But my wife is another story. She's very worried that she won't have insurance in Japan. We can sign up for the National Health Insurance plan for her too (she's a Japanese national, but currently unemployed). But she's worried since it really doesn't cover anything but doctor visits. Anything aside from that (stays in the hospital, major care) is not covered.

So, before I start looking for a new job, which I can't do until I get there, I'm looking for something for her that will tide her over until I find a job in Japan that will provide insurance for the both of us.

But I don't know where to start. Of course we don't have a lot of money, so finding something that is reasonable is of course our only option.
by desertmover  

. 2009/7/23 10:48
I have never heard of the Japanese health insurance not covering hospital stays for serious illnesses. I was covered their insurance and never had any problems with any of my health issues that I had. Sure you will have to pay for your wife but there should be an easy process.
by . (guest) rate this post as useful

... 2009/7/23 10:58
Anything aside from that (stays in the hospital, major care) is not covered.

Stays in the hospital and major care is covered to 70 percent by the national health insurance. For the remaining 30 percent, many people buy additional, commercial insurance by themselves. Your wife can do so, too. There are lots of commercial plans available, but it seems that there is almost no English information available.

The following website lists most of the major companies in Japanese:

If your do not speak Japanese, I recommend to ask your country's embassy for advice. They might have some recommendations or information in foreign languages.
by Uji rate this post as useful

. 2009/7/23 11:47
National insurance will cover 70% or more of medical expenses for any required treatment.

They won't force anyone to join the national insurance programs but by law you and your wife are required to join. Not only that but starting next year, you may have to provide proof of enrolment to renew your visa.

BTW, NHI premiums are calculated based on previous year's income, so your first year's premiums will be very low (2,000-3,000/month).
by . (guest) rate this post as useful

No worries 2009/7/23 15:25
The Japanese National Health Insurance Plan is what my family have, no problems, no need to worry.
But as soon as you get into Japan apply for it, if you wait to long it will cost you money because they start the plan from when you arrived.
by . (guest) rate this post as useful

. 2009/7/24 02:19
thanks for the advice, all. What it looks like is that we will get some supplementary insurance for her, as she's already enrolled in the national plan (been so most of her life I assume). When I get there, I should have my own insurance for now, but if I find different employment in Japan I'll sign up for the national plan + supplementary insurance.

Luckily she is Japanese and speaks the language, so she can help me find something that works for us.
by desertmover rate this post as useful

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