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shukumokyosei vs. straight perm 2009/7/30 15:43
hello there! i've just received a birthday discount from one of the salons here in tokyo. on july of last year, i had my hair straightened (縮毛矯正)in their salon. thought it only lasted for 3 mos i still would like to avail of their discount. i checked out their website today and now, there are different straightening menus available and were classified according to shukumokyosei or straight perm. does anyone know the difference between the two? thanks!
by ella (guest)  

... 2009/7/31 07:41
As far as I understand it, "straight perm" is a type of perm - the only difference with other
wavy perm is whether the finished shape is straight or wavy/curly.

"Shukumokyosei" involves some heat treatment, which is applied after a hair-softening solution is applied, I believe, and this heat (with straightening iron probably) is the part that really straightens the hair more powerfully than with straight perm.

It would be best to ask the salon what they recommend for your hair.
by AK rate this post as useful

... 2009/7/31 18:28
thanks, i'll do that!
by ella (guest) rate this post as useful

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