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Which town should I move to? 2009/8/2 05:08
A few years ago I studied a semester in Japan and I now plan to move back again on a "holiday working visa". But I'm not sure which town in Japan I should choose.
Learning Japanese is my main reason for going. I expect to attend a language school for 3-4 months and learn as much as possible. Therefore the town should have a decent language school.
I'm realistic regarding work and don't expect to find a job, but nevertheless I'll do some job-hunting. Perhaps I'm lucky. I have a Master's in multimedia and currently I'm working as a game designer mainly for the Nintendo DS and other handheld devices. I can't program or design, but I can develop concepts, evaluate other peoplefs work, manage projects etc. Therefore the town should have some technology/communication related companies.
At last the town shouldn't be too expensive to live in.
At first Tokyo seems to the logically choice because of the many things it has to offer, but I am not too fond of these mega cities. I have visited Fukuoka a few times and appreciated the big city life mixed with the close proximity of the more traditional country. But I have no idea how it compares to my kinda strict requirements.

To sum up:
Have you any experience/advice/suggestion for a town in Japan that has:
1. Good language schools.
2. Potential job opportunities in the communication sector.
3. As cheap as possibly to live in, or just not insanely expensive.
by sprutnik  

. 2009/8/2 11:58
I vote for Osaka. It's not too expensive there but you can always find cheaper accommodations outside the city but close by. Also I know that Nintendo has a office or factory by there I know an American who worked for them.
by . (guest) rate this post as useful

Osaka indeed 2009/8/2 12:04
Osaka is indeed the place to go for game companies. I know a ton of different publishers and developers located there(Tokyo does have more though).
I have an interest in Fukuoka as well, but there are relatively few designers located there comparatively. On the other hand I hear Genki Jacs in Fukuoka is one of the top language schools in the country.
Hope this helps! :D
by 2rei rate this post as useful

forgot to add 2009/8/2 12:09
I don't really like Osaka. I think its too industrialized...reminiscent of my home, Chicago; Perhaps to sisterly lol. and I believe Fukuoka would be the cheaper of the two.
by 2rei rate this post as useful

.. 2009/8/2 20:05
Thanks for Gamedevmap link. It gives a nice, but rough, insight into Japanese game related companies and it seems Osaka really is the town for me. Tokyo of course has many more companies, but as being THE town to go to for many foreigners, I expect the job competition is quite tough there.
About the industrialization of Osaka: Osaka used to be a very beautiful city, but unfortunately it never recovered from the devastating attack of Godzilla. That's what I've been told.
Anyways, if someone has something else to add, I'll love to hear it. The city doesn't nessecarily need to have a lot a game related companies as long as they somehow are media related.
by sprutnik rate this post as useful

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