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Getting Birth Control Pills? 2009/8/9 13:03
I know I'll need to go to a doctor.. but I heard that they usually won't give them out for their main purpose. You have to tell them that your period is off. Is it true?
Also how much do they cost?
by UreshiiMiko  

... 2009/8/9 14:18
That is not true. I go to my doctor to get the birth control pills, and I say so :) There are some doctors who are clearly promoting pills, and others not. Also pills are not covered by health insurance - if you need it for treatment, then they will be covered. Maybe what you heard was about a doctor who was not really in favor of pills, who only gave them out if there was therapeutic need for it.

At the clinic I go to, it's 2,500 yen for a month's worth of pills.
by AK rate this post as useful

. 2009/8/12 05:19
Be aware to that depending on which country you're from, the selection and variety of brands of birth control pills is woefully small in Japan. There are very few 'specialist' pills (i.e. ones good for acne or excessive hair or PMS), its just kind of an 'option A or option B' thing. If you can do a little research on the brand they suggest before taking it.
by Kate (guest) rate this post as useful

... 2009/8/12 08:36
It is true, the types available in Japan is still limited (doctor's quote by myself for a past thread)

by AK rate this post as useful

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