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Things to do near Ito/Futo 2009/8/10 12:44
We'll be staying at the expensive Fujiyoshi 30min by bus from Futo for 2 nights. The main day we are there we would like to do something nice close by, but want to take advantage of the place we are staying and their hot springs so don't want to be out for most of the day. Whats nearby thats nice to see/do?
by meandher  

... 2009/8/10 13:51
by Uji rate this post as useful

Great! 2009/8/10 15:48
Great, I just wish we knew where were are staying on that map - although I have a feeling its somewhere near the Cactus Park, which looks like a goer, as well as the Kadowakizaki suspension bridge, as a minimum, and maybe a sightseeing cruise that leaves just up the coast from it....
by meandher rate this post as useful

... 2009/8/10 17:35
Yes, these sights are all in relatively close distance in the Izu-Kogen area, a popular resort area. It also has lots of smaller museums about teddy bears, cats, etc, which might be of lesser interest.

Next to the Cactus Park is Mount Omuro, which can be ascended by chair lift. It seems to be quite nice on a clear day.
by Uji rate this post as useful

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