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Pants a lil short, shirts a lil long! 2009/8/19 13:45
I'm taller than the average Japanese, but not particularly tall- 164cm.

I'm usually around a size 9 in Japan. Most of the time I find pants to be slightly short for me while shirts to be slightly long.

I'm a bit confused as Japan is the only country I've been to where pants run short on a 164cm figure.

Maybe a sz 9 is supposed to fit a 160cm figure?

Also for those who are my height and taller than me, do you buy pants that fit you if they are too short? I do even if they are no more than 2cm short.
by laurel (guest)  

. 2009/8/19 16:40
I'm a 160 figure (158.5 to be exact) and I usually wear size 9. Also, I think that, generally speaking, the Japanese tend to have shorter legs than say most Caucasians or Africans. But usually jeans are made longer, and Japanese consumers usually need to have them sawn shorter.
by Uco (guest) rate this post as useful

leg length 2009/8/19 17:08
I'm 174cm tall and live in Japan, and no, I don't buy pants that are too short as I think they look silly on me- especially in winter when I might be wearing socks. I buy either overseas or from Zara or other stores which stock longer pants.

Did you encounter the same problem at all the stores you went to, or just one or two?
by Sira (guest) rate this post as useful

Usually, but not always, slightly short 2009/8/19 18:06
(Japanese brands) More than half the time sz 9 pants are slightly short, otherwise it's about the right length or slightly long. What is interesting is that I haven't found a shirt of the same size that is running short on me.

I tried on the zipper leg skinny jeans at uniqlo yesterday. They hit on the upper part of my ankle (meaning a little short).

In Japan, I get commented on having long legs (mostly by young ladies around my age). I never thought I have long legs as I never get commented for them elsewhere. Is it common for Japanese to comment on leg length? I personally don't notice leg length, I only notice a person's overall height.
by laurel (guest) rate this post as useful

ashi-naga/tan-soku 2009/8/19 23:49
Is it common for Japanese to comment on leg length?

Only if they think they're long and not short, but yes, leg length is pretty big in Japan.

This is because Japanese legs (especially the lower half, the real legs and not the thighs) were actually shorter, and once they started noticing that the GHQ had longer legs, they started to be very conscious about it.

People are not sure if it's due to nutrition or lifestyle, but nowadays the Japanese are starting to have longer legs, meaning that leg length actually differs greatly from person to person, and people are getting even more conscious.

So whenever you see long legs, you tend to comment on it. Needless to say, it's a compliment. On the other hand, saying that someone's legs are short is very rude especially in Japan.
by Uco (guest) rate this post as useful

legs 2009/8/20 08:19
Yes, it is very common for Japanese people to comment on leg length. As I mentioned, I'm 174cm with most of my height in my legs, and I hear about it constantly, from people I know as well as random strangers- little old ladies, salarymen, high school girls... All I have to do is step onto a train or elevator to hear from somewhere "ashi nagaaai!". I take it as a compliment, apart from when an odd salaryman ran up to me once and wanted to know my exact inseam measurement- that was a bit weird. (^-^;)

I actually sometimes get comments on my legs in my home country as well, but what I never heard until I came to Japan was "kao chichaaai!"

Japanese people seem to place importance on having a small face- I never realised until I came to Japan that I had a small face, it was not something I had ever thought about!
by Sira (guest) rate this post as useful

Interesting! 2009/8/20 11:03
All I have to do is step onto a train or elevator to hear from somewhere "ashi nagaaai!". I take it as a compliment, apart from when an odd salaryman ran up to me once and wanted to know my exact inseam measurement- that was a bit weird.

I also get complimented but not near as often as you do! :) I am usually wearing a swimsuit when they actually notice. I've been told that my inseam is 77cm by a seamstress, but didn't think much about it. The Japanese woman (who is taller than I am) who accompanied me to the seamstress was envious when she found out. I asked her inseam on impulse as she just found out mine, and she didn't want to tell me!

People are not sure if it's due to nutrition or lifestyle, but nowadays the Japanese are starting to have longer legs, meaning that leg length actually differs greatly from person to person, and people are getting even more conscious.

I didn't know that! Will pay attention next time.

Japanese people seem to place importance on having a small face- I never realised until I came to Japan that I had a small face, it was not something I had ever thought about!

Seems like we all tend to overlook our positives and pay too much attention to our shortcomings. I have never been worried about the length of my legs (so never gave it much thought), but I am always worried about being flatter in front than the average Japanese woman. I am so embarrassed that I usually wait for almost everyone to go before I take off my swimsuit in the shower.

by laurel (guest) rate this post as useful

Don't be self-conscious 2009/8/20 11:40
You are worried about having less chest than Japanese women? I think you will be all right there. Many Japanese women are bigger in the chest than me, but it's not something I am particularly concerned about, and I really don't think people judge each other that much in the bath anyway. You don't need to hide yourself- sounds like you have a lovely figure.

I spent most of my teens and early 20s being too self-conscious of my bony shoulders and skinny arms to ever wear a tantop- now I think, what was I worried about? Why on earth should I care what people I don't know think of my arms? ;-)
by Sira (guest) rate this post as useful

oops 2009/8/20 14:24
I meant tanktop
by Sira (guest) rate this post as useful

yes 2009/8/20 14:47
No matter how much I try to love and accept myself, yes, I am still embarrassed in the public baths/showers.

On the + side, I dare to wear any type of clothing because if I don't wear them now at 20, when will I have a better time? I just feel uneasy having to be naked in the shower with other people.
by laurel (guest) rate this post as useful

Chests 2009/8/20 18:08

Well, you're 20 and you're supposed to be self-conscious.

But having been laughed at by boyfriends, both of mine and of others, photographs like these have been my encouragements. I regret that I don't have a good one of Meg Ryan's.


by Uco (guest) rate this post as useful

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